My Favorite Tarot Card Deck
While walking through a metaphysical shop in northern California one afternoon, a deck of tarot cards jumped off it's shelf and I caught it before gravity brought it all the way to the floor. I noticed nothing else on the shelf was moving while I returned it to its jumping spot. How strange I thought, as there were other items on the glass shelf that would tumble before this hefty pack of cards should. Maybe they were to go home with me popped in my head, so I bought them, along with a 'How To Do Tarot' book, suggested by the shopkeep. She laughed when I told her what had happened and agreed that they wanted my attention. She also allowed me to choose a stone from her nearby basket, a heart shaped rose quartz, to help me on my newfound path.
It has been over twenty years since that day and the Celtic Tarot is still my favorite deck and the pink stone is always nearby in my day to day life. Since then I have learned how Tarot Cards are a great tool for Psychic Readings! They aid me to access information on a psychic level and know what is coming up in the next six to twelve months for a client. The cards guide my intuit abilities to focus on any aspects of one's life. Topics like love, career, relationships, next steps, are all quite commonly answered after I shuffle then see what cards are dealt.
While on this Earth School, we are always learning, and it is quite helpful to know what soul lessons we are currently undertaking. Since soul lessons are always evolving, sometimes our human side gets caught up in the emotions of a situation. When this happens, it is hard to see clearly what is needed without a little help from someone else. That is where I use Tarot Cards and help as a Spiritual Coach! Together we can see the bigger picture of whatever circumstances one is going through. Often I have validated things clients have buried deep down inside, yet always knew.
These Celtic Tarot cards have helped me give general clarity, spiritual guidance, healing and forgiveness for clients, certainly an opportunity for them to get a different perspective than they had before. They provide a way to look at life from a higher perspective, while understanding the bigger picture of how life's experiences impress upon our soul. These cards truly have helped me to get to the heart of what a client needed to know at the time of their shuffle, giving them another set of tools to make the best decisions for their future. So, when you are ready to connect, book an appointment and let's shuffle together and see what messages await you, so your Soul can grow and heal too.